Amy & Michael's elopement wedding at Brighton Town Hall


Brighton Town Hall wedding photography

A micro-wedding in Brighton

After nearly four months of lockdown, getting on the train for Amy and Michael’s wedding at Brighton Town Hall felt like quite an adventure. It was so good to have a change of scenery, and I had not been by the sea for more than a year. I went deliberately early, doing a bit of location scouting for their couple photos, and having a sandwich picnic on the beach.

Both Amy and Michael’s family’s live overseas, so unfortunately not everyone they wanted could be there. Amy’s parents who had both been vaccinated did manage to fly over from the US, and used up their entire holiday allocation to quarantine for 10 days and attend their daughter’s wedding, flying back just a few days later. I find hearing these stories so inspiring and heart warming.

After a beautiful and emotional ceremony, we went for a walk along the beach and then up to the Lanes for some graffiti photos. I loved spending a couple of hours with them, and was so we had a beautiful spring day for it too.